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Notes from Tuesday, September 15

1. Review & Homework:

a. Last week we discussed composition and principles of design, specifically emphasis and simplicity... review:

1) Emphasis: Decide which part you want to draw most attention to, and which will be secondary points of interest that help to move the eye around.

-The dominant element, or focal point, is the part with the greatest visual weight, that attracts the eye first.
-You can emphasize a part with bolder lines, darkened shapes, or more textural marks.
-Usually best to put the focal point in a "sweet spot", not the center and not too close to the edge:

2) Simplicity: Leave out unimportant details that don't add to the meaning of your picture, in order to emphasize what is important. Consider the inclusion of each thing based on the contribution it makes to the overall design. Much of the beauty and skill in good artwork comes with learning what to leave out.

b. Homework: I asked you to draw at least 1 more composition of your veggies. How did you do?

c. Today we will draw your design on large paper and transfer it to rice paper with brush and ink. But first we will experiment with the new materials.

2. Expressive lines:
a. In Beginning Drawing we worked at drawing as a way to capture what you see accurately; that is, rendering or life drawing-- a drawing from direct observation. Rendering includes photorealism, and perspective drawing.

b. Some other kinds of drawings:

1) Gesture or sketch-- a loose, quick drawing to study something.
2) Doodling-- playful imaginative drawing.
3) Diagrammatic drawing-- a plan or schematic with labeled parts.
4) Illustration and cartooning-- tells a story.
5) Expressive drawing-- express your feelings and thoughts.
6) Abstraction or nonrepresentational drawing-- no recognizable object, just shape, line, value, and/or texture.

c. Expressive line warm up:

1) Use all our different tools on sketch paper to draw lines of various width and strength. Express anger, happiness, joy, etc.
2) Set out ink and brush also to try making expressive lines: Pour a little ink on a saucer and dip only the tip in. Draw holding brush as different angles. Dip brush in water, then ink and draw more lines.

3. 3-shape drawings: In this session we will experiment with expressive drawing, as a way to learn about composition and quality of line. We will start with a simple 3-shape drawing like ones by Robert Motherwell, a modernist artist who used abstract drawing to express his thoughts.

a. You will draw a series of compositions using 3 shapes- a circle, triangle, and rectangle. Each composition will-

1) Be drawn with black ink using a brush, on sketch book paper.
2) Evoke a feeling or mood.
3) Speak indirectly about relationships in your life or the world.

b. Begin with 3 pieces of sketch paper, brush, and ink.

1) Decide on the relationships you want to express, and without thinking too hard about it, draw the first of 3 shapes.
2) Pause briefly to look at what you've drawn, then add the 2nd shape, following your first instinct.
3) Pause to see how this pairing relates to each other and the space, then add the third shape.
4) Repeat for 2 more 3-shape compositions.
5) Discuss: What mood did you evoke? Describe the personalities of your shapes and why. Describe the relationships- dominant, subordinate, isolated, bonded, imposing, nurturing, etc...

4. Still life drawing: Remember that we are all expressing a feeling of order and simplicity with these drawings. We will work towards doing an ink drawing on rice paper that has a "zen" feel.

a. Finish your design if you haven't on big paper, and ink with a dark pen.
b. Decide on the mood, which shapes to emphasize and how you plan to do it.
c. Put rice paper over it and draw with ink- repeat, sign.

5. Homework: Next week we will begin a drawing of an animal, using a photo, so find a good quality largish photo of any animal, one which you resonate with.
