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Prepare a Vegetable Still Life

 For our first project next week, we will work on a still life of vegetables. I'd like you to prepare this week:

  1. Collect 3 to 5 vegetables with interesting shapes. You can use all the same shapes, or a variety - whatever grabs your fancy. Choose veggies that won't wilt unless you want to replace them several times.
  2. Set up your still life someplace where it can sit for a while without being moved, preferably with a blank background behind it. Arrange it anyway you want. Ideally, your still life will have some form of natural light or a good lamp nearby. The light source doesn’t have to shine directly on the center of your objects. Light coming from one side can make for an interesting sketch too.
  3. Make at least one blind contour drawing of your arrangement before next Tuesday's class. You might want to do several, rearranging the veggies each time to try different compositions. (For a review of blind contour see the Review post)
A blind contour line drawing is a good warm up, to bypass L-brain idea of "how to draw vegetables" and go to R-brain seeing the shapes and curves.

On Tuesday, September 8th, we will discuss composition more and work on a rough draft like my squash drawing here:
