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Winter color palette

I 've   been reading the book "Contemporary Landscapes in Mixed Media", by Soraya French, and one chapter covers color through the seasons. She says "Each season conjures up specific colors in our mind's eye."

I've been working with her winter palette, and wanted to share what I've learned. "The winter palette is all about colorful greys ... easy on the eye, tranquil and beautiful. ... To achieve a range of beautiful grays, mix the complementary colors and vary the proportion, then add white."

The colors you see above are:

1 = Burnt Sienna, BS + UltraMarine, BS + UM + Yellow Ochre, the same + White

2 = Phthalo Blue + Cadmium Red, PB + CR + White, the same + more CR, the same + more PB

UltraMarine + Quinacidone Red + White, more QR, more UM, and even more UM

Cobalt + Teal, Phthalo Blue + Cadmium Red, PB + CR + White, PB + Yellow Ochre
