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Rock Garden

Here  is my latest work, a larger version of my Rock Garden. Notice the mark-making on the bottom part that will become grass eventually, and on the central red and blue areas that will be soil and moss. (I'm using a dramatic underpainting of complimentary colors):

Day one

Day two

Week 2
Here I've added in the greens of grass and plants, and rock-like texture with my palette knife.

Week 3

And here I've lightened the whole scheme with pastel colors. The composition is beginning to feel a little static and at the same time too busy...  my next steps will be to 

  • add a thicker, darker line of shadow under the bottom rocks to ground it and frame it, 
  • Continue the darker line on the mid right upward, (then inward in a spiral?)
  • Add a suggestion of more rocks behind the irises?
